Staying Secure During The Festive Season

Staying Secure During The Festive Season

As the year comes to an end, we at Be Secure Cyber want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing clients. Your trust and support throughout the year have fuelled our mission to make cyber security accessible for everyone, and we’re immensely grateful for every step we’ve taken together.

Whilst enjoying the festivities, let’s not forget the Grinch of the digital world – cyber threats. Just because Santa’s sleigh is on its way doesn’t mean hackers take a holiday break. In fact, Christmas can be a prime hunting season for them, knowing many companies have scaled-back staffing and might be less vigilant. Some of the most well-known attacks have happened across this period, including some Scottish ones.

Cyber and Fraud Centre Scotland have a useful blog post on the subject:

Staying Secure This Christmas: Cyber Security Tips for SMEs and Non-Profits – Cyber and Fraud Centre – Scotland (

By following these tips, you can ensure that your holiday season remains merry and bright, free from cyber woes. Remember, Be Secure Cyber is always here to be your digital Santa, offering a helping hand and expert advice if needed. So, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

From all of us at Be Secure Cyber, we wish you a happy, healthy, and secure holiday season!

Happy Holidays!